We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Policies and Procedures

Our Policies

For up to date information regarding COVID-19, visit https://www.coronavirus.tas.gov.au/families-community/schools-and-childcare 

Please click on the links below to access the current College policies.

The College is an allergy aware school and as such, we have a ‘No Nut’ policy for both campuses. We always aim to work with families, and welcome open discussion on how we can best ensure that our students stay safe at school. An up to date Action Plan is required to be provided to the College, along with any relevant medication. The decision about where to keep medication is made in consultation between the parent and College. A copy of the Action Plan is then located in the College staff room and provided to the class / homeroom teacher.

Catholic Education Tasmania Policies

Please click on the links below to access the current Catholic Education Commission Tasmania policies.

For information on Child Safe Communities please click HERE