We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026



At St Aloysius Catholic College we want to give all of our learners the opportunity to become confident, just and productive human beings. Learners are ‘unique individuals who bring their own strengths, talents and needs to the learning process’. We believe that learning is most powerful when the individual needs of the learner are considered and therefore, education for gifted and talented students provides aims for these learners to achieve their personal best.

Quality Gifted and Talented provisions are evident in:

  • The development of quality differentiated learning programs
  • Development and implementation of student learning plans
  • Development and implementation of highly adjusted educational programs
  • A flexible and responsive learning environment


In most cases classroom teachers, in consultation with parents, refer highly capable students for further assessment. Students can be identified as gifted through an Educational Assessment, conducted by a registered psychologist. The College’s Enrichment Teachers or Special Learning Needs teachers use the KBit 2 screening assessment tool to assess referred students. Students are classified as gifted if they are assessed in the top 10 percentile for their age.

“ The Catholic School is committed to educate the whole person founded on the conviction that human beings have a transcendent destiny and that education of the whole person must form the spiritual, intellectual, physical, psychological, social, moral aesthetic and religious capacities of each child.” The Archbishop’s Charter for Catholic Schools, 2016

Giftedness is the possession of natural abilities or aptitudes at levels significantly beyond what might be expected for one’s age in the following domains: intellectual, creative, social and physical (DEST 2013: ACARA 2017)

While giftedness equates with high ability, talent equates with high achievement. Talent is defined as achievement or performance at a level significantly beyond what might be expected from same-age-peers in one or more fields of human activity. The difference is that giftedness is the potential to achieve and talent is the realisation of that potential. Often talent emerges from giftedness or ability as a consequence of the student’s learning experience.  (Gagné 2003)