We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Kindergarten at St Aloysius Catholic College

Kindergarten provides 15 hours of early learning experiences for children who are 4 years of age on or before January 1st of the year they start Kindergarten.

Kindergarten staffing includes a teacher and teacher assistant, as a minimum standard. Additional teacher assistants may be placed in classes with larger numbers or additional needs.

Kindergarten provides opportunities for children to:

  • play with, and alongside other children
  • be supported in their learning by caring adults
  • develop personal independence
  • develop confidence
  • build social skills
  • explore their world.

Kindergarten teachers use the Early Years Learning Framework to plan and provide quality teaching and learning experiences to meet the needs of all children. Our College acknowledge families as the children’s first and most influential teacher and encourage parents to work in partnership with them. A range of strategies are used to keep parents informed about their child’s progress throughout the Kindergarten year.

Kindergarten Expression of Interest and Enrolment

Our enrolment procedure is as follows:

  • The Enrolment officer will contact the family via email to arrange an interview with the Deputy Principal and a Kindergarten Teacher, followed by a tour of our facilities. Prospective student/s along with one or both parents are to attend the interview.
  • At the conclusion of enrolment interview, you will be given the Student Enrolment Application Form. If you wish to proceed with enrolling, please complete and return to Junior Campus office.
  • Enrolment applications are due by 9th May. Outside of this timeframe and dependent upon the number of applications, there may be a waitlist. The outcome of the application will be advised in writing from the Principal, shortly after submission. 

There is a non-refundable enrolment fee of $200.00 which will be set off against your College fees in your first year. Families considering enrolment are reminded that no student will be refused enrolment, be excluded, or be disadvantaged because of an inability as opposed to an unwillingness on the part of the parents/guardians to meet financial requirements.

Please contact our Enrolment Officer, Melissa Dance, for further information:

Email: sacc.enrol@catholic.tas.edu.au

Phone: 62290100

Kindergarten Information

Our Kinder classes run for three days each week, currently we offer the following:

Kinder Blue - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday

Kinder Green - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Kinder White - Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

New families are able to provide a preference to which school days they would prefer and we try our best to accommodate these requests.

Our Kinder day runs from 8.40am (Classrooms open at 8.25am) and finishes at 2.40pm.

We also have a SETUP for Success Birth to 5 playgroup, called ‘Explorers’. The playgroup has an informal pre-kinder session on Fridays (younger siblings are welcome to attend). There is further information on this program here

Before and after school care is also available on site and is run by Adventure Patch. More information is available here

Formal End of Year Pre-Kinder Sessions

In Term 4, formal Pre-Kinder sessions take place in the Kindergarten classrooms.

Children enrolled for Kindergarten in the following year will be placed in their class groupings. They will have the opportunity to meet the teacher and teacher assistants, and their classmates for the future year. During the session, children will have the chance to play inside the classroom, share a story and have some outside play. More information will be presented at the Kindergarten Parent Information Session, early in Term 4.