We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026




When a student is going to be absent from school, the College must be notified, preferably prior to 9.00am. This is a legal requirement in Tasmania, as all children between the ages of 5-17 must attend school on a full-time basis. It is also the College’s responsibility to keep an accurate record of student attendance. The College can be advised through any of the following:

  1. Using Compass to confirm the absence
  2. Emailing the College via sacc@catholic.tas.edu.au
  3. Telephoning the College

Should a child be absent from College without prior advice from the parent or guardian, the College will send out an SMS advising that the student has been recorded as absent and a request that the College be contacted. In the event of a continual unnotified absence, the College Deputy Principals or Principal will make contact with the parent or guardian.

Late for School

Arrival at school after the specified start time of 8.40am constitutes a late arrival, regardless of the reason. It is therefore important that the student is ‘signed in’ at the respective campus. If a student is not signed in, they may be incorrectly marked absent for the whole day. A parent or guardian should accompany a Kindergarten - Year 4 student to the office to sign in on the portal, while it is acceptable for students in Years 5 and above to sign themselves in via the student entry, or a parent can do this via the portal located at the office.

Leaving during school hours

Where possible, it is preferred that an appointment for the student is made outside of school hours. However, we acknowledge that this isn’t always an option. At both campuses, a student who is leaving the school needs to be signed out by the parent or guardian via the portal at the College office. Should the student return to the College after the appointment, they should be signed in via the portal at the College office. At the Junior Campus, a release form will be completed by office staff for the parent to give to their child's teacher, when they collect their child during school hours for an appointment. At the Middle and Senior Campus, students are to bring a letter from a parent and show this to the teacher they have at the time of departure, they then present this letter to the front office, and wait, ready to be collected. 

Illness at the College

There are designated First Aid officers located at both campuses. These staff are trained in First Aid and can offer initial assessments and assistance. Should a student become sick or injured at school, they should seek permission from a teacher to go to the College office to receive First Aid. If it is deemed necessary for the student to go home, office staff will phone parents/guardians or the Emergency contact as listed in the student file.

Please note, First Aid officers are not able to administer medication (including over the counter medicines) or apply topical ointments unless prior written permission has been given and medication supplied.


Should your child require medication during school hours, a Medication Authority Form must be completed by the parent/guardian and provided to the campus office. All Medication should be named and it will be kept in a locked file at the school office. Children are not permitted to self-administer medication.

Extended Illness

In the event that your child is going to be absent from school for longer than two days, a medical certificate will be required. It is also requested that contact is made with the child’s class or homeroom teacher in order to make arrangements for catching up on any missed work if needed. 

Please refer to the attached document for the College Attendance Policy