We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Communication Tools


The College produces a newsletter three to four times a term. This is issued via the Compass app and can be accessed via the College website or you can sign up at https://sacckingston.schoolzineplus.com/subscribe to receive the newsletter directly to your email. The newsletter contains information and photos about activities occurring at the College, including sport, arts, Parish and community links, upcoming events and community notices. 


Refer to the College website for information, policies, staff listings, uniform list, positions vacant and information.


Compass is a web-based system that is accessible on any modern web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari) or by using the Compass iOS or Android apps. Go to http://schools.compass.edu.au where you can search for St Aloysius Catholic College and find our College's direct URL.

Using Compass allows you to access up-to-date and meaningful information about the College and your child’s progress. Compass includes many different features, including the ability to:

  • Monitor your child’s attendance, and enter an explanation for absence or lateness
  • Communicate with your child’s teachers, and update your family contact details
  • View your child’s timetable and the College calendar
  • Download and view your child’s reports
  • Book parent-teacher conferences
  • View and make payments on your account
  • College notices, instant alerts, news, notes, reminders, newsletters and more are issued via the app.

If you have any questions regarding Compass please email the Compass helpdesk - sacc.compasshelp@catholic.tas.edu.au

Further details can be found in the attached link:

Seesaw (Junior Campus)


An Educational Communication Tool

Seesaw is used at St Aloysius Catholic College as an Electronic Learning Journal (ELJ) for students from Kindergarten to Year 4. It is a wonderful way for you as parents and carers to keep in touch with what your child is learning throughout the school year.

Seesaw provides your child with a safe space to document their learning as well as providing opportunities for them to learn how to use technology in a responsible manner.

Every child is provided with a personal ELJ and may add work, which they are doing at school, to share with you at home. When your child adds items, Seesaw automatically notifies you. Your child's journal is safe and secure as it is only accessible by your child, you and the class teacher.

Your child’s ELJ is accessible anytime via an iOS app, Android app or on the Web. Seesaw logins are available from your child’s classroom teacher.

Further information on Seesaw can be provided to you by the St Aloysius Seesaw Team.

Please contact jonathan.horne@catholic.tas.edu.au if you have any questions.


Fides (Middle and Senior Campus)


Fides is the Middle and Senior Campus' online learning management system and student intranet. Fides is cloud based, secure and aims to support student and parent communication, learning and teaching at St Aloysius. Teachers and students use Fides for:

  • Daily news
  • Student Calendars
  • Student class pages
  • Major assessments
  • Feedback and grades
  • Co-Curricular group pages
  • Sport and team rosters

In keeping with the College’s aim to maintain close school-home communication, parents are provided with access to Fides and can follow their student’s learning, progress and engagement in College life.

Please contact sacc.ictadmin@catholic.tas.edu.au if you have any questions or if you are having problems with logins or passwords.