We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Parking at Junior Campus

Kingston Car Parking Options

Options for parking include:

  • The Parish car park
  • The ‘top’ car park, located off Donohoe Gardens (via Jindabyne Rd)
  • Roslyn Avenue, please use the school crossing
  • Jindabyne Road
  • Carita Road
  • Kunama Drive
  • Aldinga Street

Refer to the map for these car parking suggestions.

We have a staff member on duty in the morning and afternoon in the Parish car park. The staff member will be present to ensure that the car park is used safely and to welcome students each day.

Drop and Go Zone:

A recent redevelopment of the Parish car park has seen the inclusion of a DROP & GO Zone

To ensure that this section runs smoothly we ask all parents, guardians and carers who access this space to be aware of our procedures listed below; to ensure a safe and efficient drop-off. 
  • Drive to the front to allow for cars coming in and out to flow smoothly.

  • Students to alight from the car on the left-hand side only onto the footpath.

  • Parents need to remain in the car. Students who use the Drop & Go zone must be capable of getting in and out of the carby themselves, including putting on their seat belt. If they are not able to do so parents will need to park in a designated carpark space and assist them.

  • School bags should be in the car and not retrieved/placed from the bootThese need to be in the car with the student so that students do not have to go behind or in between cars.

  • Teardrop flags will clearly mark the allocated Drop & Go zone.  Students are not to enter or leave cars which are waiting in line to use the zone - please be patient and wait until you are safely parked in the zone.

  • Please ensure you have your handbrake on once you have pulled into and stopped.

  • Staff supervision will be present at the start and end of each day.
  • The car park is a shared car and pedestrian zone and has a speed limit of 5 km/ph. Please adhere to this speed limit at all times for the safety of all users.
  • Please ensure that if parking and bringing your child/ren into the school that you use the crossings and pathways provided. We ask that you do not walk on our  landscaped areas.

Please do not use:

  • The bus area along Roslyn Avenue.
  • The driveway in front of the office at Kingston (Roslyn Avenue) is not to be used as a thoroughfare by parents for dropping off, picking up or parking. We are very aware of the need to keep the children in our care safe and for this reason the area is designated for staff parking and a student crossing. There is a bollard blocking off access to this area.

Accessible parking:

Designated disabled car parks are located next to the office at the Junior Campus. These can be accessed via the main driveway, however if the bollard is in use, please use the alternate driveway off Roslyn Ave, closest to the road crossing. These spaces are only for use by those families displaying a Disabled Parking permit collecting students with a disability.

Parking at Middle Campus

Huntingfield Car Parking

Options for parking include:

  • The main car park. Upon pick up in the afternoon your child will need to wait in the designated area at the top of the stairs until they see you park your car, at which point they will be permitted to walk to the car. A teacher is on duty in this area.
  • Nautilus Grove (on the side of the road in front of the College).
  • Guardian Court (at the end of the cul de sac).
  • Huntingfield Avenue.
  • Kingsgate Circuit.

Please do not use:

  • The lane directly in front of the car park, this is a designated bus lane.
  • Woodlark Place, this is a no parking area.
  • The Council Reserve on Nautilus Grove, opposite the Middle Campus. The Kingborough Council has erected a sign and have advised that they will be monitoring the area.

Accessible parking:

Disabled car parks are located next to the office at the Middle Campus in the main carpark. Due to the limited number of disabled car parks available, where possible, these are only for families collecting students with a disability. If you have a disability but the children you pick up are able, please use one of the alternative parking options and have them walk to you.

* Please note the boom gate accessing the gym car park is locked at 4pm daily.