We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


College Fees

College Office staff can assist with any queries you may have in regard to payment of fees and levies.

Current fees and levies are outlined in the Schedule of Fees.

Payment Information

A single invoice will be issued in term 1 of each year for the full year fees and levies covering all students for which the parent/guardian is responsible. Full payment is due 30 days from the date of the invoice unless other arrangements (including monthly/fortnightly direct debits) are made using the payment arrangement form below. Please fill out the form and return to sacc.accounts@catholic.tas.edu.au.

Please note that any payment arrangement entered into is purely administrative.

A discount of 3.0% is applied to the fee component when full payment is made by the due date. 

The College will accept a payment arrangement of 10 equal monthly instalments (February to November) with payments to be received by the 15th of each month. Monthly payments can be set up through Compass or by arranging deductions from your bank account or credit card. All fees are to be finalised and paid in full by 15th November 2024.

Notwithstanding the amount invoiced, in the event of default on payment arrangements, the total amount outstanding will become immediately due. The College reserves its right to take steps to recover payment in full.

The schedule of fees and charges may be updated each year and include information about payment options. This also states any applicable interest rate payable on overdue fees or levies. Interest is payable from the due date until payment is received in full.

An obligation or liability on the part of two or more persons binds them jointly and each of them separately.

Parent(s)/guardian(s) agree to honour the financial commitments required by the school in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges and the terms and conditions.

Each person who signs the enrolment form accepts legal responsibility for payment of school fees and levies incurred for the entire period of the enrolment of the student.

Where there is more than one person signing this form:

  1. only one account will be issued in the name of all individuals listed on this form;
  2. each person is independently and jointly responsible for payment of the whole of the fees, meaning the College can (at its discretion) seek to recover the whole of the fees from anyone parent/guardian or any combination of them;
  3. notice to any one parent/guardian is taken to be notice to all parent(s)/guardian(s);
  4. each individual consents to their personal information in relation to this account (including payments made or overdue) being disclosed to each other individual on the account; and
  5. amendments to fee payment arrangements can only be made with the written agreement of all affected parties (including all parent(s)/guardian(s) listed on this form and those who will be responsible for paying fees).

Full details as to the current Terms of Enrolment are available here

A capital levy that applies to each family is determined by the Tasmanian Catholic Education Office and contributes towards assisting with the financing costs of all our shared funded schools/colleges

What your College fees provide for all our students

Tuition fees are formulated and designed to be a singular education cost and as inclusive as possible. This deliberate approach is aimed to minimise the extent to which additional payments from families are required throughout the year. Any additional charges that may be applied would be for activities such as, but not restricted to, interstate or overseas excursions, specific fundraising for charities, student celebration or commencement dinner.

Accordingly, as an example, your fees cover such expenses as:

  • Class (Kindergarten to Year 4) booklist items supplied for use in the classroom
  • Excursions, as well as camps and retreats for students (this excludes the Year 6 trip to Canberra).
  • Information technology resources such as networked software, ICT student devices and specialised school/parent interactive applications such as Compass, Seesaw and Fides.
  • Sport and gym equipment including facilities maintenance and management.
  • Musical instruments (leased and owned).
  • Specialist subject materials and equipment for Art, Design in Wood, Home Economics and Science. 
  • Participation in inter school sports rosters and sports carnivals.

Pro-rated school fees

In cases where a student commences or leaves the College partway through the year, fees and levies will be pro-rated accordingly.

Tuition fees

Subject to minimum notice requirements for withdrawing a student, tuition fees will be pro-rated to the nearest week, including any partial weeks of attendance as full weeks.

For example, in a school year with 40 weeks, if a student commences on Thursday of the 12th week, the amount of tuition fees owing will be pro-rated to 29 weeks. In this example, the amount payable would be 72.5% of the full year tuition fee (because 29 ÷ 40 = 0.725).

Capital levy

The amount of the capital levy payable is pro-rated to the nearest week, including any partial weeks of attendance as full weeks, similar to the way tuition fees are pro-rated. When it comes to the capital levy each week (or part week) where any student in the family attends is counted as a week for the purposes of pro-rating the levy.

Notice of withdrawal

Written notice of at least ten weeks is required prior to the withdrawal of a student from the school. Where notice is not provided, full tuition fees and all levies will need to be paid for the number of weeks where the notice was not provided. This includes withdrawal prior to the start of the school year.

For example, if a student is withdrawn at the start of the school year, a total of 10 weeks of school fees may need to be paid.

This notice period may be reduced or waived in special circumstances. Please contact the Principal if you would like to discuss this possibility.

Special payment arrangements

Our families that hold an eligible concession card can receive a specified level of fee assistance, without the need to make an assistance application to the College. Information on concession card assistance can be found below.

This approach in offering direct fee assistance is in line with both the Archbishop's Charter for our College and with the intention of our founding order, the Sisters of Charity; to come forward and offer the hand of comfort and assistance. 

To obtain more information on the fee assistance that is available, please make contact with our Business Manager, Mrs Pam Cosker 6229 0100 or sacc.accounts@catholic.tas.edu.au 

If you are experiencing financial hardship or are struggling to pay on time, please speak to the Business Manager or the Principal. Variations in payment arrangements can be approved where required, and in exceptional circumstances, limited fee remissions can be provided.

You will be required to provide evidence of need to enter into a special payment arrangement or receive a fee remission.

Failure to pay

Where payment is not made on time, debt recovery action may be commenced against any one or all of the parent(s)/guardian(s) named on the form.

The school or the Archdiocese may charge the parent(s)/guardian(s) for, and the parent(s)/guardian(s) indemnify the school and the Archdiocese from, all costs and expenses (including without limitation all legal costs and expenses on an indemnity basis) incurred by the school or the Archdiocese resulting from the default (failure to pay) or in taking action to enforce compliance with these terms and conditions.