We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Our Parish Links

Parish Links

Our College and Parish community are strongly linked. All families who become a part of our College community, automatically become members of our Parish family. Our links continue to grow and develop in a number of different ways, including:

  • our College and Parish Fair, where students, staff, parents and parishioners all work together to put on a fabulous day. This occasion not only celebrates our unique community, but also raises much needed funds that are shared between the College and Parish.
  • our Parish volunteer program, where members of the parish community generously give up their time to assist the College; in classrooms with reading, craft and other subjects, driving the College bus for excursions, helping out in the library and at the Birth to Four Program.
  • our Sacramental Program. This is family-centred, parish-based and school-supported. Members of the Parish Sacramental Team, which includes parents, parishioners and teachers, run weekend sessions for children and their families to prepare the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation (usually at the end of Year 3) and Confirmation and First Eucharist (usually Year 4).
  • our College/Parish Masses, where families and staff are warmly invited to attend a weekend Parish Mass and students participate in various ways, including reading, singing and bringing up the offertory.
  • our Weekday Parish Masses: students on both campuses regularly attend either the Wednesday morning 9.00am Parish Mass at Kingston or the Thursday morning 9.40am Parish Mass in the Huntingfield Chapel. Parents are most welcome to attend these Masses.
  • the sharing of information. The weekly Parish bulletin is uploaded to our College website, and copies of our College newsletter are available for parishioners in the Church. Any relevant items are promoted in both newsletters, so that everyone is informed about what is happening both in the College and Parish community.
  • our Year 4 students, for the last few years, have assisted the Parish secretary by folding the Parish bulletins each week. Not only does this greatly assist the Secretary, it also builds connections for our students with our Parish.
  • our Parish Youth Group – students in Years 7 to 10 are warmly invited to join our Parish Youth Group, where we run different events and activities; such as movie nights, day outings and youth Masses. The group also runs fundraising activities to support members to attend events, such as the Australian Catholic Youth Festival.
  • one of the primary roles of the Pastoral Associate is to continue to find new ways of strengthening the links between our College and Parish community.

Click on the link below to access the Kingston Channel Parish Website