We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026

Kindergarten Open Day Friday, 4th April

We are enrolling now for Kindergarten, 2026


Our College

St Aloysius Catholic College is an exciting co-educational Catholic college of faith and learning in the Kingborough Municipality, south of Hobart.
In keeping with our Mission and our Motto, Strive Believe Achieve, we aim to develop each child’s potential: spiritually, intellectually, culturally, physically and emotionally. We believe that the education of a child is a shared responsibility between parents, teachers and the child.

Junior Campus

St Aloysius Catholic College Junior Campus specifically caters for students from Kindergarten to Year Four, in a nuturing learning environment appropriate for students in their first years of schooling. At the Junior Campus we provide a gradual, age appropriate development curriculum, in order to ensure a seamless transition to the Middle Campus.

At the Junior Campus, students engage in a comprehensive curriculum, that takes into account children's academic, social, physical and spiritual needs.

Students' daily learning includes dedicated Religious Education, numeracy and literacy time blocks, with regular Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship) and Science programmed into each week.

Weekly lessons are also offered in Music, Library, Physical Education, Italian, Art, Drama and Social and emotional Learning (Years Prep, One and Two). Kindergarten students have experiences in Physical Education, Music and Library. Extra curricular activities are offered in dance, choir, instrumental music, sporting events, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) and sporting teams.

Middle Campus

To assist students as they move into secondary education, St Aloysius Catholic College has implemented Middle Schooling principles for students from Year 5 to 8. A Middle School curriculum is delivered in a manner that engages today's students, including the integration of modern technology in learning. However, the literacy and numeracy needs of Year 5 to 8 students are still central and are explicitly taught. Middle Schooling at St Aloysius is about balancing age appropriate teaching and learning with opportunities for students to grow in their independence and maturity as learners.

Year 5 and 6

To ensure a smooth transition from Year 4, the Year 5/6 learning centre follows many of the learning structures from the Junior Campus. This includes dedicated daily literacy, numuracy and spelling programs using the Soundwaves resource. Year 5/6 students undertake all core subjects; Religious Education, Maths, English, Humantities and Science. Specialist teachers deliver weekly lessons in Italian and Physical Education and some Arts and Technology subjects.

Year 7 and 8

Middle Schooling also provides for the different pastoral needs of early teenagers. A central pillar of Middle Schooling at St Aloysius is the role of Home Room teachers. In most cases, Year 7 and 8 staff teach their Home Room classes for some of their core subjects. This enable teachers to develop a sound understanding of the pastoral and learning needs of the students in their care. Home Room teachers take on the special responsibility of ensuring their students transition smoothly into Year 7. The Home Room teacher is the first point of contact for parents, and effective communication between the College and home is highly valued at St Aloysius Catholic College.

As per the Australian Curriculum guidleines, students in Years 7 and 8 undertake study in the following core learning areas:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Humanities (History, Geography, Civics and Citzenship)
  • Health and Physical Education
  • French/ Japanese
  • Art
  • Technologies

Senior Campus

The extension of St Aloysius Catholic College into Years 11 and 12 provides an exciting opportunity for our College community; to continue the education of our current students, and to welcome new students and their families into the College.

Our future plans are creative and ambitious and have your child at the heart of them. They include the first Year 12s, the Class of 2024 and 2025, right through to

Our Senior Campus is a hub for learning, wellbeing and community and in that hub we are creating young adults that are positive contributors to our community and further afield.

Year 9 and 10

A major focus for Year 9 and 10, is to prepare students for their further education and careers. Students are also supported to become independent, lifelong learners.

Students study the following core subjects:

  • Religious Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • History
  • Health and Physical Education
  • Work Studies

The College also offers a number of elective subjects that aim to support all students, depending on their areas of interest or career pathways.

Year 11 and 12

We are proud to offer our families and students the option to stay locally within a quality teaching program for their entire school journey.

In 2025 we are offering over 30 TASC courses and a number of VET options. More information about our Year 11 and 12 courses can be found HERE.